Monday, September 17, 2018


KAREN - A SURGEON - Hei, Welcome To Yulia Espana Blog, In this page, I Will inform you about KAREN - A SURGEON , I hope you can enjoy reading this Article TEXTOS DO YOUTUBE, it's the result of automatic content collection, To remind these info on the post review KAREN - A SURGEON it's advisable to be distributed to social media, I hope Helpful, view more clearly direct the info below.

I’ve always wanted to be a surgeon, right from when I was a small child. It’s my vocation. When I was at school, my best friend wanted to be a ballet dancer, but even then I knew what I wanted to do. There’s never been a doctor in our family, but my father’s a butcher, so I suppose it’s similar!

Eu sempre quis ser cirurgiã desde quando era criança. É minha vocação. Quando eu estava na escola, minha melhor amiga queria ser bailarina, mas mesmo assim eu sabia o que queria fazer. Nunca houve um médico em nossa família, mas meu pai é um açougueiro, então suponho que seja semelhante!