Wednesday, December 5, 2018


RUMIKO - Hei, Welcome To Yulia Espana Blog, In this page, I Will inform you about RUMIKO , I hope you can enjoy reading this Article TEXTOS DO YOUTUBE, it's the result of automatic content collection, To remind these info on the post review RUMIKO it's advisable to be distributed to social media, I hope Helpful, view more clearly direct the info below.

Interviewer: Rumiko, what do you eat on a typical day?
Rumiko: I don’t usually have breakfast because I can’t get up early enough to eat! I normally just buy coffee and drink it in the office. I usually have lunch in a restaurant near the office with people from work. When I was younger, I used to go fast- food restaurants and have pizza, or Fried chicken and French fries. Now I prefer eating something healthier, so I go to sushi restaurants or restaurants that serve organic food. And for dinner, I eat out a lot, too.
Interviewer: Do you ever cook?
Rumiko: Well, I like to cook, but I work very late every day and also my kitchen’s too small. My boyfriend’s a better cook anyway.
Interviewer: Do you ever eat unhealthy food?
Rumiko: Well, I don’t eat a lot of sweet things, but I drink a lot of coffee every day. I think I’m addicted to caffeine.
Interviewer: Are you trying to cut down on anything right now?
Rumiko: No. I eat healthily, and I exercise regularly, so I don’t think I need to cut down in food.
Interviewer: Are people’s diets in your country getting better or worse?
Rumiko: Oh, probably worse. I think the diet in Japan today is much more westernized than before and that’s why some people are getting fatter. But personally, I like the fact that there are more different kinds of food and restaurants now. I enjoy the variety, it makes eating out much more fun.

Entrevistador: Rumiko, o que você come em um dia típico?
Rumiko: Eu geralmente não tomo café da manhã porque não consigo acordar cedo o suficiente para comer! Eu normalmente só compro café e bebo no escritório. Eu costumo almoçar em um restaurante perto do escritório com pessoas do trabalho. Quando eu era mais jovem, costumava ir a lanchonetes e comer pizza, ou frango frito e batatas fritas. Agora eu prefiro comer algo mais saudável, então eu vou a restaurantes de sushi ou restaurantes que servem comida orgânica. E para o jantar eu como muito também.
Entrevistador: Você alguma vez cozinha?
Rumiko: Bem, eu gosto de cozinhar, mas eu trabalho até muito tarde todos os dias e também minha cozinha é muito pequena. Meu namorado é um cozinheiro melhor de qualquer maneira.
Entrevistador: Você já comeu alimentos não saudáveis?
Rumiko: Bem, eu não como muitas coisas doces, mas bebo muito café todos os dias. Eu acho que sou viciada em cafeína.
Entrevistador: Você está tentando reduzir alguma coisa agora?
Rumiko: Não. Eu como de forma saudável e me exercito regularmente, então não acho que preciso reduzir a comida.
Entrevistador: As dietas das pessoas no seu país estão melhorando ou piorando?
Rumiko: Oh, provavelmente pior. Eu acho que a dieta no Japão hoje é muito mais ocidentalizada do que antes e é por isso que algumas pessoas estão engordando. Mas particularmente, eu gosto do fato de que existem mais tipos diferentes de comida e restaurantes agora. Eu gosto da variedade, faz com que comer seja muito mais divertido.

Answer Key 

What does she usually have in the morning?
She normally just buys coffee and drinks it in the office.

Where does she usually have lunch and dinner?
She usually has lunch in a restaurant near the office with people from work. And for dinner, she eats out a lot, too.

Why doesn’t she cook very often?
She works very late every day and also her kitchen’s too small. Her boyfriend’s a better cook anyway.

Does she eat or drink anything unhealthy?
She doesn’t eat a lot of sweet things, but she drinks a lot of coffee every day. She thinks she is addicted to caffeine.

Is she cutting down on anything right now? Why (not)?
No. She eats healthily, and she exercises regularly, so she doesn’t think she needs to cut down in food.

What’s currently happening to the Japanese diet?
The diet in Japan today is much more westernized than before and that’s why some people are getting fatter

Does she think is a completely bad thing?
She likes the fact that there are more different kinds of food and restaurants now. She enjoys the variety, it makes eating out much more fun.