Monday, July 2, 2018


YESTERDAY - Hei, Welcome To Yulia Espana Blog, In this page, I Will inform you about YESTERDAY , I hope you can enjoy reading this Article TEXTOS DO YOUTUBE, it's the result of automatic content collection, To remind these info on the post review YESTERDAY it's advisable to be distributed to social media, I hope Helpful, view more clearly direct the info below.

Yesterday was Sunday, so I got up late, eleven thirty. I had a big breakfast, Orange juice, toast, eggs, and coffee. Then I went shopping, to the supermarket, and I bought some chocolate and a Sunday newspaper, the Sunday times. In the afternoon I listened to music for a bit and then I watched a film on TV. In the evening I cooked a meal just for me, not a big meal, just soup and a salad. I went to bed early. It’s was a lovely, lazy day.

Ontem era domingo, então me levantei as onze e meia. Eu tomei um grande café da manhã, suco de laranja, torradas, ovos e café. Depois fui às compras, ao supermercado, comprei chocolate e jornal de domingo, o Sunday Times. À tarde, ouvi um pouco de música e assisti a um filme na TV. À noite eu cozinhei uma refeição só para mim, não uma refeição grande, só sopa e uma salada. Eu fui para a cama cedo. Foi um dia lindo e preguiçoso.