Wednesday, August 21, 2019


WHERE WILL THW WOMEN MEET TOMORROW? - Hei, Welcome To Yulia Espana Blog, In this page, I Will inform you about WHERE WILL THW WOMEN MEET TOMORROW? , I hope you can enjoy reading this Article EXERCÍCIOS, it's the result of automatic content collection, To remind these info on the post review WHERE WILL THW WOMEN MEET TOMORROW? it's advisable to be distributed to social media, I hope Helpful, view more clearly direct the info below.

Where will the women meet tomorrow?

F1: Hi, Fran. Would you like to help me choose something to wear to my sister’s wedding? We could meet at the dress shop by the bridge tomorrow.
F2: Didn’t you know? It closed last month. What about the department store? They have lovely clothes. You could get some shoes there as well. And when you’ve got everything, we can have a cup of coffee together in the café.
F1: Great idea. I’ll see you at the main entrance at 11.
F2: OK, see you then.

Onde as mulheres se encontrarão amanhã?

F1: Oi, Fran. Você gostaria de me ajudar a escolher algo para usar no casamento da minha irmã? Nós poderíamos nos encontrar na loja de roupas na ponte amanhã.
F2: Você não sabia? Fechou no mês passado. E quanto à loja de departamentos? Eles têm roupas lindas. Você poderia pegar alguns sapatos lá também. E quando você tiver tudo, podemos tomar uma xícara de café juntas no café.
F1: Ótima ideia. Eu vou te ver na entrada principal às 11.
F2: OK, vejo você então.