Wednesday, August 28, 2019


WHERE DID THE MAN STAY ON HOLIDAY? - Hei, Welcome To Yulia Espana Blog, In this page, I Will inform you about WHERE DID THE MAN STAY ON HOLIDAY?, I hope you can enjoy reading this , it's the result of automatic content collection, To remind these info on the post review WHERE DID THE MAN STAY ON HOLIDAY? it's advisable to be distributed to social media, I hope Helpful, view more clearly direct the info below.

4 – Where did the man stay on holiday?

F2: How was your camping holiday this year, Joe? Did you get washed away in all that rain? M2: When we got there the campsite was closed because of flooding, which was a disappointment. But we were really lucky – the holiday company offered us a cottage instead for the same price.
F2: So what was that like?
M2: It was great. There was a five star hotel nearby and they let us use the swimming pool if we wanted to. It was much more comfortable than camping.

Onde o homem ficou nas férias?

F2: Como foi seu feriado de acampamento este ano, Joe? Você foi arrastado por toda aquela chuva? 
M2: Quando chegamos lá o acampamento foi fechado por causa das enchentes, o que foi uma decepção. Mas nós tivemos muita sorte - a companhia de feriado nos ofereceu uma cabana ao invés pelo mesmo preço.
F2: E como foi?
M2: Foi ótimo. Havia um hotel cinco estrelas nas proximidades e eles nos deixaram utilizar a piscina se quiséssemos. Foi muito mais confortável do que acampar.